Flip the Weightloss Switch

Imagine yourself looking healthy and confident.

ebook Flip the Weightloss switch

What You'll Learn:

  • Clarity: Get clear on what you truly want for yourself.
  • Triggers: What are your triggers: Emotions, places, people, memories?
  • Food Choices: What are yours?
  • Subconscious: Replace your triggering emotion or behavior with an empowering one.
  • Listen to Your Body: Think about how you feel with certain foods.
  • ... and so much more: Personal stories and tips to help you Flip Your Weightloss Switch.

I recovered from bulemia and I've overcome emotional overeating. Shoshanna RichekChanges are not sustainable unless you can get to your subconscious. This is where you can create a new neuro pathway and learn to make better choices, almost automatically and effortlessly.

I've been practicing these steps to maintain my own healthy weight for the past 10 years, and a modified version to quit smoking over 20 years ago. It works when you really want to change.

You'll see your life and your body in a new light! Make the change for good, because you know that's what you want.

- Shoshanna Richek

"My weight is low along with my blood pressure and cholesterol.

"Since I met Shoshanna I learned to eat healthier and I've maintained a weightloss of 15-20 pounds for about a year now. My cholesterol and blood pressure are lower and I'm on autopilot."

- KH