Absolute Blessing

Absolute Blessing #empoweryoursubconscious, #healthandwellness, #healthjourney, #healthylifestyle, #nutrition, #reviews, #shorichek, #shorichekreview, #shoshannarichek, #subconsciousalignment, #sustainableweightloss, #weightloss, #weightlossplan

Working with Shoshanna was an absolute blessing! When I met her, I had recently lost 10lbs, but I was struggling to maintain a lifestyle that would allow me to keep the weight off. Through her guidance Shoshanna helped me tap into my subconscious mind to understand what was blocking me from living in alignment with the healthy life that I desired.

We uncovered the root of the issue and consciously replaced it with a positive emotion to support my continued health journey. Beyond this session, we engaged in further conversations where she not only listened to my updates and/or concerns, but also provided tools, resources and feedback that helped me adjust the plans that I was making to better serve the health goals we had discussed. With Shoshanna’s help I have made sustainable changes to my lifestyle that support a healthier me AND I have kept off those 10lbs! Now, I'm working towards my next health goal knowing that Shoshanna will always be someone I can turn to for support when needed. Her compassion, partnered with the immense amount of knowledge she carries about health and wellness, provides the perfect foundation for anyone who is seeking support with healthy living as well as their nutrition. Thank you, Shoshanna, for inspiring and supporting changes to my new and improved lifestyle!