Macros Made Simple (A Game-Changer for Your Nutrition)

Macros Made Simple (A Game-Changer for Your Nutrition)

#balanceddiet, #carbohydrates, #dietarytips, #fats, #foodbalance, #healthyeating, #healthylifestyle, #healthyrecipes, #macronutrients, #macros, #mealplanning, #nutrition, #nutritionalstrategies, #nutritionguide, #nutritiontips, #protein, #simplifiednutrition, #weightloss, #weightmanagement, #wellness

Hello, Nutrition Enthusiasts!

Are you ready for something truly exciting? —"Macros Made Simple." I’m genuinely excited to introduce “Macros Made Simple.” Over the past two months, my exploration of macro nutrition has been an eye-opening journey, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you.

Struggling with Macros? Let’s Make It Simple

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the concept of macros? Don’t worry—you’re not alone! I used to feel the same way. But this journey has transformed how I approach food and deepened my appreciation for how different nutrients contribute to our overall health.

I’ve always been mindful of nutrition, but focusing on protein intake and understanding which foods offer the best sources has been a game-changer. So, if you’re curious about what macronutrients are, why they matter, or how they can revolutionize your diet—you're in the right place. Let's simplify it together!

Curious About a Fresh Take on Nutrition?


Ever wondered if there’s more to nutrition than just eating right? My journey of macronutrients has been a game-changer. By increasing my protein intake and understanding how much I get from the various sources, my nutrition game has reached a new level.

That’s what it’s about. Removing the emotions from choices and turning it into a game. De-emotionalize until you get comfortable, then get super excited to feel good from all the delicious foods that help you win your game!

I’m excited to share my top tips and tricks for maximizing your nutrition and winning your health game. Ready to explore a fresh perspective on nutrition?

What Are Macros Anyway? Why Do They Matter?

You know, when I first heard about macros, I’ll admit—I was doubtful. I thought, “I know how to eat right—I’ve got my proteins, carbs, and fats all figured out.” But I was wrong.

Then a friend introduced me to the book called "The Shredded Chef." This book has really transformed the way I approach cooking and nutrition. For example, I recently made some protein muffins and decided to jazz up the recipe by adding cottage cheese to the mix! It’s these kinds of simple yet effective tweaks that have made a big difference in my meal planning and overall nutrition. Some people are keto, no carbs, or intermittent fasting; I am all about macros! I created a flexible eating plan that fits my lifestyle perfectly.

Macros, short for macronutrients, are really simple. They include:

  • Complex Carbohydrates (I exclude refined sugar and processed foods most of the time)
  • Protein
  • Healthy Fats

The name of the game is to hit your numbers. It’s a numbers game. And I found the perfect free app to help me get there!

The Macros App, Your New Best Friend

 Macros App

I was never interested in tracking anything. But this became a fun game. There are already a bunch of common foods loaded into the app “library.” I think that every time someone loads a new food, it becomes available to everyone. Although, when I add recipes, I think those are only visible to me.

Here’s how I use it: I set mine to 1,200 calories a day, broken down into:

  • 90 grams of carbohydrates
  • 111 grams of protein (I don’t always hit that!)
  • 44 grams of fat

You can customize a good bit of information with the free version. I wear a fitness watch that tells me what I typically burn in a day, so I know that if I want to maintain my weight, I need to stay within that intake. If you’re trying to lose weight, take it slow. Find a starting place and see how you do.

The app makes tracking your food as simple as inputting what you eat, and it shows you exactly how you’re doing against your goals. Curious to try it out? Download the app, play around with your settings, and see how it can simplify your journey to balanced nutrition.

Here’s a trick I’ve learned: when making scrambled eggs or an omelette, mix one whole egg with two egg whites. Whole eggs are packed with nutrients, but they also contain around 4.8 grams of fat each, which can add up quickly.

Since other protein sources like meat or fish also have fat, I’ve found this mix helps me stay within my daily fat limit of 44 grams.

Mastering Your Macros Goals

Balancing macros is all about mixing and matching your foods to meet your goals. I recently discovered a maple walnut protein muffin that packs in 15 grams of protein—delicious and nutritious!

While I focus on macros, not on calories, it’s all about finding what works for you. Since we need to start with calories to get the breakdown of factors, my target is usually 1,200 calories a day; but if I’ve worked out, I allow myself to go up to 1,400. This flexibility helps me get all the nutrients I need without feeling restricted.

Why is Protein the Big Rage?


We lose muscle mass as we age. Protein helps build and maintain muscle mass (in addition to weight-bearing exercises - body weight exercises included). Animal proteins are made up of amino acids, nine of which are essential because our bodies can’t produce them. The average person needs 0.6 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For those who don’t exercise much, aim for 0.6; if you’re more active or older, aim for 0.8. This helps maintain and grow muscle mass—super important for long-term health!

For vegans and vegetarians, don’t worry! There are plant-based options like quinoa, buckwheat, hemp seeds, chia seeds, and spirulina that provide all nine essential amino acids.

What’s the Deal with Carbs and Fats?

Carbs are the fuel for your body, but did you know there are two types of carbs: simple (i.e.: refined sugar-based products: candy, baked goods, soda, juice drinks, processed cereals) and complex carbs (i.e.: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, organic honey, maple syrup, date syrup)? Simple carbs burn fast, providing quick energy, while complex carbs burn slower.

The problem with simple carbs is that they typically have more calories and don’t stay in the digestive system long enough to provide energy, so it’s easy to eat a lot more of those foods without feeling full or satiated. Whereas complex carbs include fiber, which makes them burn slower, providing a longer source of energy.

Forty to sixty percent of your caloric intake should come from carbs, preferably complex carbs providing longer-lasting energy. Understanding your carbs can help you make better decisions about what fuels your body best.

As for fats, they’re essential for hormone production, brain, and cell health, but not all fats are created equal. Aim for unsaturated fats like those in avocado and olive oil, and keep an eye on how much you consume. Even healthy fats can add up quickly! This is why I love the app. I don’t have to think about much. Just enter my info and it will let me know what I need more of, or if I’ve had enough.

Ready to Simplify Your Nutrition Journey?

 Nutrition Journey

So, what’s the takeaway? Understanding macronutrients and using tools like the macros app can make your nutrition journey simpler and more enjoyable. Once you get the hang of it, balancing macros can actually be fun—and it’s incredibly empowering.

I’m here to support you every step of the way. Enjoy your journey to better nutrition!

Request my one-week Macros menu.
Shoshanna Richek, CFNC
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If you have any questions or want encouragement in your weight loss journey, please contact me. I love being the spark that helps women feel better and in a healthy rhythm that works.