Semaglutides VS. Holistic - Know Your Options

Semaglutides VS. Holistic - Know Your Options

#dosemaglutideswork, #functionalnutrition, #holisticweightloss, #semaglutides, #semaglutidesrisk, #shorichek, #weightlossforwomen

While quick fixes sometimes seem like the only way, they’re not sustainable. Eventually the person taking semaglutides will need to find the rhythm of nutrition and movement that works for them. Medications have their place. But beware of the dangers.
I was surprised by what I found out during my research on Semaglutides.

Why Are So Many of Us Struggling with Poor Health and Weight Today?

Nearly forty percent of Americans over 20 years (2024) are either overweight or obese, and the U.S. ranks 12th globally in obesity rates. The biggest reason for this phenomenon is that refined sugar and processed foods are addicting, convenient and let’s face it, they taste good. The manufacturers know how addictive these foods are. It’s not a secret.
Food addictions are tough:
  • Refined sugar and processed food is legal ~ it’s everywhere.
  • We have to eat ~ how do we make the best choices?
  • We are not taught about the dangers of refined sugar and processed foods, they make up the majority grocery store products.
Food addictionsIt’s normal for people to get excited about a quick fix:
  • The temptation is strong.
  • Pharmaceutical companies know how to create demand.
  • Doctors receive incentives from the pharmaceutical companies.
How can people get away from this food addiction? What is all this hype about semaglutides, what do they do, what and who are they for?”

Here come your answers, so keep reading!

What is Semaglutide, and Is It Really a Game-Changer?

First of all, let me be crystal clear here, I'm not a doctor. I do believe there’s a time and place for pharmaceuticals, but my concern is that too many people see semaglutides as the answer to their problem. People aren’t weighing the risks and long term ability to keep their weight off. These medications have a time limit for the average person, and it is proven that most people put weight back on if they haven’t also been conditioned to make better choices with food and lifestyle.

What do Semaglutides do?

Semaglutides belong to a class of medications known as GLP-1 receptor agonists, which mimic a natural hormone in the body. They were originally approved to help manage blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes, but they’ve also been found to help with weight loss.
These drugs help the body produce more insulin, reduce blood glucose levels, and interact with parts of the brain to regulate appetite. However, I want to stress the word 'mimic.' While these medications can be effective in the short term, they are synthetic, and I’m always cautious about introducing synthetic substances into the body.
What do Semaglutides doNow, let’s break it down further:
Glucose is a form of sugar that our bodies use for energy, and it’s found in carbohydrates like potatoes, bread, fruits, and vegetables. Any leftover glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles, which can be converted back into glucose when needed.
Insulin is a naturally occurring hormone made by the pancreas that helps your body use sugar for energy. Without enough insulin, glucose can’t enter your cells and it builds up in your blood, becoming resistant to insulin and leading to diabetes. This is why medications like semaglutides can be so effective for people with diabetes—they help regulate blood sugar.
If you don’t have diabetes, and this is your answer to weight loss, the risks may outweigh the benefits. Do your own research. It’s out there. This entire fad reminds me of when Lasik became popular. It was advertised everywhere and the commercials talked about it like a miracle cure; I interpreted the messages as though this procedure was as simple as getting a manicure. I had Lasik and was one of the five percent that developed a bad reaction ~ hence my caution to any elective surgery or medication.

Side Affects of Semaglutides

Semaglutides have recently gained popularity, especially with brand names like Ozempic and Wegovy.Side Affects of Semaglutides These drugs were approved around 2021 and the drug companies are continuing to learn the risks and side effects:
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • more serious risks can include pancreatitis
  • elevated risk of thyroid tumors
  • reports of depression
  • compromised muscle mass and bone density

What Happens When People Come Off the Drugs?

A major concern with Semaglutides is the potential for weight regain after discontinuing the medication. Studies show that many people regain two-thirds of the weight they lost once they discontinue use.
Unfortunately, most doctors and nurses are not trained in nutrition, they’re trained to fix symptoms, mostly with medications. Their system keeps patients coming back for more sick care. This is how the system is designed.
This is also where the importance of functional nutrition and sustainable habits come into play!

Sustainable Weight LossThe Super Power of Sustainable Weight Loss
Quick fixes like semaglutides may offer a temporary solution, but they don't tackle the underlying causes of weight gain or provide the ability needed to sustain a healthy lifestyle over the long term.
Who wants to be on the diet cycle, gaining, losing, feeling unstable and frustrated, and jeopardizing their long term health?

Meet Nina

Nina and I have been working together since August 2023. She participated in a pilot group to test the same system that worked for me. I wanted participants to learn how to become aware of their emotions, behaviors and habits and focus on their lifestyle skills: nutrition and hydration, sleep and relaxation, exercise and movement, emotional balance, relationships and networks, stress and resilience.
In addition, clients were instructed to stop using toxins: plastics with bpa, paba, parabens, phthalates, bleach and ammonia. These ingredients are found in personal care and cleaning products. These chemical toxins are known endocrine disrupters (some mimic estrogen) and create obesogens which can increase fat cells or make our fat cells bigger.
A critical part of the program was identifying emotions and beliefs that did not support weight loss goals. Our subconscious mind plays a big part in determining what we actually do. By identifying the unsupportive emotions and beliefs, and through a guided meditation/semi-hypnoses, we introduced empowering beliefs and emotions which would replace the others. This is done in a highly relaxed state to get deep into the subconscious.
As a result, Nina lost over 20 pounds in three months and to date has lost over 60 pounds.Nina

“I started slowly by adding protein in the morning. I had my lunch and just was trying different things that could work for me. Shoshanna focuses on a flexible eating plan so I was just finding my rhythm. I try to have my heaviest meal during the day and I don’t care much for a traditional dinner. I don't do bread and bread was never my friend. I don't do mashed potatoes and so forth because I know that's not good for me.”
Nina learned to recognize what helped her feel better or worse and she wanted to feel good. This is how she made her choices. Between Nina and 4 other women, and most recently another group of 11 women, the test is working and people are finding new ways to get healthier without drugs and yo-yo dieting.

Be Mindful of Your Thoughts

To achieve lasting weight loss, a change in thoughts and lifestyle are very important.
First, recognize the limiting beliefs that you hold such as: "I cannot resist junk food." Reframe your thoughts to something like:
  • "I prefer to eat nourishing foods that help me feel better.”
  • “I know that I can make choices that support my healthy lifestyle.”
  • “I am taking better care of myself so I can age gracefully.”
Learning how to rewire your subconscious, using the proven science of plasticity, dramatically improves your health on all levels: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

Find Your Rhythm: Build a Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle

Finally, creating a balanced lifestyle that supports your health is key to achieving lasting weight loss. This includes regular physical activity, which not only helps you shed unwanted weight, but also improves your mood and energy levels. Find activities you enjoy, whether it's walking, dancing or yoga, and make them a regular part of your routine.
Focus on nourishing your body with whole, nutrient-dense foods. Avoid processed foods and refined sugar, which can contribute to weight gain and health issues. Instead, choose fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats that provide your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive. Do this 80% of the time. Let loose once in a while. I do whatever I want on Saturday nights or Sunday mornings, depending on my plans.

Wrapping Up: Choose Wisely and Don’t Risk Your Health!

Semaglutides have a place. Ask questions. Look for long term results with the least amount of health risks. I took this same approach with my bone health, long story short, my bone health has improved over the past two years and I do not require any medication. I was at risk and did not want to rely on drugs that could mess up other parts of my body. Many times, the choice is yours to make.

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Shoshanna Richek, CFNC
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If you have any questions or want encouragement in your weight loss journey, please contact me. I love being the spark that helps women feel better and in a healthy rhythm that works.