Hack Your Subconscious for Positive Changes

Hack Your Subconscious for Positive Changes

#changeeatinghabits, #clearyoursubconscious, #endemotionaleating, #endovereating, #mindfulnessaroundfood, #weightlossforwomen, #weightlosshack

Today in the shower (yes, my glorious outdoor shower) I was enjoying the fresh air and feeling the water over me, when I looked to the right and noticed this Cicada (eeeek!).

My initial response was to spray it with our non-toxic pesticide…or swat it with the broom on the wall. Then I remembered a lesson I learned yesterday, with my dear friend, Joely, in her FB Live.

What does this have to do with your subconscious? Just stay with me here …

What was in my subconscious? Why did I want to kill the bug? Did I remember a time when an insect flew in my face? Was I once startled by a bug experience? What was it?

You see, we all carry memories throughout our minds and bodies – for generations! Our memories are not just from our personal lifetime. Our DNA carries memories, this is explained through epigenetics.

Joely taught us to approach each thought/experience as NEW, as though we’ve never experienced it before. When something catches us off guard and manifests a reaction – STOP and say “Never have I ever experienced this.”

By stopping and seeing the experience anew, you are now in a position to evaluate from where you are in this moment, not from previous experiences. It takes some practice.

You may be wondering, what does this have to do with weight-loss?

I help people who want to hack their mind and lose weight effortlessly, without giving up their favorite foods. I talk about how our subconscious mind affects our habits, and how to essentially upgrade our subconscious. The above example in the shower can be translated to any life experience that affects our health.

Let’s look at an example. There have been times when I’ve wanted to consume foods that would make me feel physically ill (too much candy, chips, ice cream, cake or pasta), and because that was my habit (like killing a bug) I may not stop to think about doing anything differently.

When I learned to think about how foods made me feel, and how I wanted my body to be, I began developing new neuro pathways – new habits – and it helped me to want to take better care of myself (not kill the bug). I learned to pause and after so many pauses, I’m now on autopilot, keeping my weight off.

So the lesson I hope you got from this blog, is to stop yourself when you’re experiencing an uncomfortable feeling and say “Never Have I Ever Felt This Way” and immediately pause from your memories and habits so you can choose the most reasonable action from the present moment.

If you’d like more information on your subconscious and changing habits, please set a 15 minute discovery call with me.

Cheers to you,

Shoshanna Richek