Optimize Your Subconscious

Optimize Your Subconscious

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Here, you’re going to learn how to optimize your subconscious, it’s always working for you. This is the most powerful tool we have, to live the life we are intended to live. Learn about your natural superpower and how to use it to create your best life.

Our Subconscious Mind: A Powerful Influence

Our subconscious mind is quiet. It’s an intriguing and powerful influencer as to who we are and how we live. It’s like a storage room for all of our beliefs, values, and memories—basically, everything that makes us tick. It’s constantly at work, choosing which actions we take based on our beliefs, values and memories. And here’s the kicker: our subconscious doesn’t argue with us; it believes whatever we tell it, whether positive or negative, the power of your subconscious is always at work.

How Does Our Subconscious Influence Us?

One of the most eye-opening things about the subconscious is how it influences your thoughts and behaviors. Do you know how many thoughts go through your mind each day? You have about 60,000 thoughts on any given day—can you believe that? What’s crazy is that 80% of those thoughts are negative. And, all of our thoughts are not from real life experiences, most are imagined. We typically project our thoughts from fears based on past experiences. Our subconscious doesn’t distinguish between real and imagined; it just believes whatever we tell ourselves.

This has enormous implications because our thoughts and beliefs are stored in our subconscious and they shape our reality. This influences how we feel, the actions we take, and ultimately, how we live our lives.

woman thinkingFor instance, if you repeatedly tell yourself you’re not good enough, your subconscious only knows and believes that you’re not good enough. That belief dictates feelings of low self esteem. Your actions will not be the same as someone who is more confident, and this leads to your life, mirroring your beliefs. On the flip side, if you start feeding your subconscious positive beliefs, even imagining your ideal life—envisioning your beautiful home, your desired love life, your perfect job, your growing business—your subconscious will work to manifest that reality for you because it believes that is true.

The Real Power of Subconscious Beliefs

Our subconscious beliefs don’t just sit there—they actively attract and influence every aspect of our lives, from our health and relationships to our overall success.

Let’s talk about body weight. Many of us carry deep-seated beliefs about food and eating that we don’t even realize exist. For example, you might believe something like, “I can’t stop eating once I start,” or “I have to finish everything on my plate.” These aren’t facts—they’re thoughts you’ve believed and reinforced so many times that they’ve become ingrained in your subconscious as your reality.

Well, here is the good news, these beliefs can be changed. This is where the subliminal power to weight loss comes into play.

Rewiring Subconscious Beliefs

Changing your beliefs starts with recognizing it for what it is—it’s a belief, not a fact. Let’s say you believe, “I can’t resist a bag of chips; I’ll eat the whole thing.”
Ask yourself:
  • Do you believe this?
  • Why do you believe this? (be objective, look for facts)
  • What do you prefer to believe instead? (rewrite your belief)
Using the Socratic Method, you can question your beliefs and consider how you obtained them. This process helps you see that just because you’ve thought something a thousand times doesn’t make it accurate.

Finally, How to Clear and Anchor for Success

Once you’ve identified a limiting belief and start to change it, the next step is to remove the old belief from your subconscious and replace it with a new, empowering one. Here are some of the practices I share with clients:
  • Meditation: It’s a great way to quiet your mind and open it up to new ideas.
  • Semi-Hypnosis: This technique can help with deep subconscious programming.
  • Relaxation Techniques: They can reduce any resistance you might have to new beliefs.
  • Counseling: A knowledgeable and intuitive counselor will guide you through the best system for you.
  • Anchoring Positive Experiences: Anchoring is a technique that associates a physical action with a powerful, positive feeling—like clenching your fist or snapping your fingers when you feel successful. To create an anchor, close your eyes and relive a moment when you felt incredibly happy. As you feel those emotions (remember where you were, the feelings you had, any sights, sounds or smells that were present), perform a simple physical action, like clenching your fist or snapping your fingers as you imagine the sensations. Later, when you need a boost of confidence, repeating that action will help you tap into those positive emotions, giving you the strength to tackle new challenges.

Final Tip While Wrapping up

Shoshanna RichekOur subconscious mind is more influential than our ego and our conscious mind, quietly shaping our reality based on the beliefs we feed it. By becoming aware of these beliefs, questioning them, and consciously choosing new ones, we can transform our lives. And by anchoring positive experiences, we reinforce our ability to recall and repeat. Remember this, your beliefs are just that—beliefs. They’re not set in stone, and you have the power to change them, which means you also have the power to change your life.

Request my my eBook: Flip the Weightloss Switch
Shoshanna Richek, CFNC
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If you have any questions or want encouragement in your weight loss journey, please contact me. I love being the spark that helps women feel better and in a healthy rhythm that works.